Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Public Square/s

I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time. For the most part, it seemed to be the best way to break the writer's block I have developed. Committing to a blog also seemed to fit in to my current 5 year plan of Focus and Discipline. Naturally a day-dreaming idealist, I have spent much of my life in my head, but that is not the right place to be if any of my ambitions are to be accomplished. I need to engage with the world, and find ways of communicating.

As a student, I was enthralled my the work of Kasmir Malevich. It was more than the starkly simple beauty of abstract composition; it was the understanding that context (physical, ideological, etc.) can create/transform the meaning of a work of art. Malevich's Black Square (1915) is one of his "zero forms," the first building block in a new way of creating meaning. I see the same potential to create meaning in the "Public Square," which encompasses the plaza of the urban environment and the digital screen of information technology. And, of course, creating a blog ultimately makes me the Public Square!